Rubin Perelman, Sr. Director of Enterprise Risk Management & Information Security Officer
With over two decades of IT governance, audit, risk, and compliance experience (e.g., InfoSec Audit, Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance). Rubin joined DCM Services in 2007 to manage its project to become ISO 27001 certified; the only International Standard for the Management of an Information Security Program (ISMS). DCMS achieved certification in 2008 (when less than 100 companies in the USA had accomplished this task) and has maintained its certification to this rigorous standard for almost 10 years. Today, Rubin coordinates the management of DCMS’ various Risk Management Programs (Enterprise, Information Security, Compliance, and Vendor) to ensure alignment with client requirements, regulatory requirements (e.g., COSO, GLBA, HIPAA, State Information Protection and Breach Laws), and external industry standards (e.g., ISO 27001). Additionally, Rubin’s team administers the publishing of all formal documentation (e.g., Policies, Plans, SOPs) and handles the coordination and response to the +170 client onsite and remote audits and questionnaires that DCMS is subject to annually. Rubin holds a B.S. in Accounting from the Carlson School of Management as well as the following industry certifications: CPA (Inactive License), CISA, and CRISC.